"Their handwriting is scruffy."
"It needs improving."
"It needs to neaten up by Year 6 - it's a writing standard!"
Ever had these comments from a teacher? Or said them yourselves?
As a class teacher, I heard these phrases a lot.
And then parents were unsure on how to support their children....
...whilst teachers focused on other aspects of the curriculum and never picked up on handwriting errors or took the time to support handwriting progress.
I get that it’s often sidelined in schools. That it’s not always a priority in schools. That you don’t always know where to start to see those improvements. I’ve seen this first hand in the schools I’ve worked at.
For me, there’s nothing more satisfying than levelling up neatness in handwriting. Writing neat, joined and fluently is satisfying, mature and an impressive skilful!
Let’s take control and neaten up that joined handwriting. Right now. With this simple course.
It's actually simple?
There are 3 steps to achieve neat, joined and fluent handwriting, all laid out in this course.
1. The All Important Letters
2. Letter Join Pairs and Triplets
3. Joining with Words and Sentences.
Why This Course?
Experienced, upbeat class teacher.
I’ve spent nearly a decade in primary classrooms teaching 5-11 year olds and have used these successful methods for hundreds of pupils. Oh… and I’m passionate about handwriting (it’s so satisfying when done right!) so watch out for my energy!
Play, Pause, Practise.
It’s self paced. Take your time. Go over it again. No stress.
Resources to support progress.
Practise sheets connect to each letter and letter join step. Easy. There’s even UK curriculum spelling sheets that relate to your age/ primary Key Stage - I’ve got you covered.
Systematic, tried-and-tested approach.
I build right from the pencil grip all the way through to neat sentence formation in a logical, skill building manner. It’s worked hundreds of times in my classes… why not you?